LanCare - Local Area Network Management Services

Your computer systems are a vital part of your business's operations. You rely on your systems on a daily basis, and any interruption in your ability to use them can mean lost business and lost revenues. Many of the problems you might experience can be caught early or even prevented with a good systems design and a program of routine maintenance.

It is a popular misconception that PC's are so easy to use that they require no maintenance whatsoever. This may be true for a simple home-based system, but a local area network is a complex system of components that requires regular maintenance to function smoothly. While a crash may be inconvenient on a home PC, a crash of your business's network can put you out of business. In fact, forty percent of businesses that experience a disaster wind up out of business.

We believe in preventative maintenance. It is much easier and less costly to prevent a problem from happening in the first place than it is to try to reclaim lost customers.

Proactive network management is based on sound business goals like maximizing employee productivity, decreasing inefficiencies, providing stable computing resources, and the protection of strategic assets like your accounting system or customer database. Imagine what would happen if you lost your accounts receivable system! The goal is to make your systems as reliable and easy to use as possible so that your people can concentrate on their work, not their computers.

While preventative maintenance is no guarantee that problems will not occur, it can greatly decrease the frequency of occurrence of problems, and decrease the magnitude of problems that do occur. Many of our clients go a year or more without a network crash. One of our client sites hasn't had a crash in nine years!

What are some of the benefits of LanCare?

LanCare Program Notes

This program is available to clients within the metropolitan Chicago area only. LanCare services are subject to our standard billing policies as stated in our company Policy Statement.

Copyright © 1996-2000 Integral Corporation